
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Horses, Photography 24 dicembre 2017

2017 has been one of the best years I’ve ever had so far.
Of course, there have been hard times and some difficulties too, but the most important thing is that I’ve managed to overcome and learn many lessons from them.
During the year I’ve also had many satisfactions, reaching some important results AND I’ve been able to step out my comfort zone quite often, which is a great outcome for me, considering that I am a UTTERLY shy and self aware person
I’ve met so many marvelous people… and horses too! I couldn’t have asked for more!
I hope you’ve had a great year too and that the next one will be even better!

Wish you all a wonderful Christmas & an incredible 2018! 🎄

Giulia Basaglia

Appassionata di arti visive, sostenitrice di WordPress, illustratrice e fotografa. Gattofila e amazzone senza alcuna speranza di guarigione, amo il fantasy, i romanzi storici e coltivo un’attrazione smisurata per la fotografia.

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